Saturday, December 22, 2007

So I've decided I'm the most pathetic person that's ever lived.
Reasons. . .
1. I'm so nice to everyone that all I get is walked all over. Like I'd do anything for anyone but there are very few people who would drop what they are doing to help me out. But unfortunately they all live at least two hours away most of the time. That's cool huh?
2. I'm so lonely. Deep down so very lonely. And I tell myself that I don't need a relationship to make me happy. But I keep ending up in one anyway. And I tell myself I'm ok. And I play this little game about how many people I can please in one day. And it's a fun game and I convince myself that if I people-please I'll Megan-please.
3. And about the previously mentioned relationships. . . I have the shitty-est timing for anything. I mean seriously-Ted. Pretty awesome but oh wait he was 45 with 3 kids. Yeah that was destined to fail. Matt. Haha right. I was just a piece of ass to him. I must give him credit though. I never saw it coming. Dan. Amazing? yeah. Puts up with my insanity. Is learning to understand me. But wait! Technically he's still married. And oh yeah he's moving away. See a theme? Yeah. I think God is trying to tell me something. Like "you're destined to be alone."
4. I'm just a miserable person and all I do anymore is cry.
5. I'm so lame.


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