Thursday, March 20, 2008

Graduating class of 2006

The graduating class of 2006. Finally done with highschool drama, crying in the girls room, running home to our parents to tattle on our class mates. Being a narc. (see that's funny because i've been accused of being a narc like seven times from highschool and still today. and it's funny because I never was. I used dope for five years and I didn't give a shit about anyone else, I didn't even care to be friends with anyone else that used. so yeah-obviously I was the narc. just wanted to get that out there.)
Well i thought that i was done with high school. but apparently no one else notices that. and i'm really getting tired of all the bullshit drama and i'm really thinking that i should reevaluate my "friends" because 1. i don't think i should be walking on eggshells around my friends. 2. im pretty sure friends aren't supposed to treat eachother the way that some of us do. And these are work friends and camp friends. but see the difference between work and camp friends is like work-it's a job, you're there for a few hours to make money and there are no rules so you have to be tough to get through.
but camp friends-these are the ones that i'm kind of disappointed in and i really dont care who that upsets. What i don't understand abotu camp friends is that we became friends because of camp. because we loved being in the woods singing songs being dirty and making a great environment for the girls to have a summer in.
But now it's gotten made into being a power-tripping environment where everyone thinks it's about them and people cant get past change and people that they don't like. and that's gross. it really is. like friday. people, myself included, went out of their way to make her feel unwelcome. and you know what? she did suck. but she had just as much right to be there as I did. i think somewhere along the line we all forgot why we work at camp, why we became friends in the first place. We all started doubting that our boss was right and started thinking that we could do it better than she could.
I'm done with it.
I'm going back to camp this year and I'm doing my job to the best of my ability. If i have to make new friends to do that i will. but I'm sick of this bullshit that's been flying around for the past eight ish months. camp used to be my favorite place and i'm not going to dread going back there because people want to act like five year olds.
So stop bringing me into your drama. As of now I've made up with everyone. I'm on good terms with everyone. and i'm not taking sides anymore i don't care who you are or how far back we go.

On a lighter note, I just got home from visiting Copper and Mac in North Carolina today. And it was really good to see them even if we didn't do much. we tried to get an ID but that fell through and since you two read this i just want you to know that that wasn't my reason for the visit i really just wanted to see two of my favorites.

anyway taco thursday has arrived. then the bar! love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.