Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm also over the fact that I obviously care more about our friendship than you do, or that it means so much more to me.
I kept your letter in the pocket in my car door and when times were tough I read it just to remember that I had a friend that loved me and that wanted me in their life. It's ok that things fall apart and people drift away but at one point, that letter was the only thing keeping me afloat. Now it's just something to be recycled and you can't possibly relate to feeling like you're drowning on land.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time is contagious everybody's getting old

I'm kind of over this feeling sorry for myself bullshit. I walk around looking like someone just killed my dog and the world is ending. Well I'm tired of it. I identify myself as a recovering addict and let stupid decisions of my past ruin my present, and give me a bleak outlook on the future. I look for fault in any realationship I'm in, wait for the other shoe to drop because I am so convinced that I don't deserve happiness. And what did I do that was so bad? What did I do that has tainted me so much that I believe nothing good is allowed to happen in my life? Maybe I lied a little here and there. Maybe I hurt a couple feelings and was a nasty bitch from time to time. Maybe I played around with illegal substances and maybe, I lied.

Today. Right now. I don't think any of that means I'm not allowed to be happy. I don't think it means I'm not allowed to have a second chance. Whenever someone I know messes up, or acts like a bitch or is caught in a lie, I give them a second chance or a third and so on. Why is it that all the rules apply to everyone else but me? I don't think I have been gentle on myself, I don't think I've been fair to myself. And for once, I'm the most important person in my life.

So I'm going to cut the crap. Get over it. And let it be. I'm giving myself a clean slate. As of right now I have nothing to identify myself with. I'm not a recovering addict, I'm a girl that experimented with drugs and got over it. I'm not a bitch, I'm a typical girl who has had a few mood swings. I am no better than anyone else, and no one-no one-else is better than me.

It's time I started giving myself a little credit where credit is due and treat myself with the same respect I treat perfect strangers. It's time I stopped living in the past and watching it so much that the present smacks me in the face.

And I'm done.

Time is contagious
Everybody's getting old
So you can sit on chimneys
Put some fire up your ass
No need to know what you're doing or looking for
But if anyone should ask
Tell them I've been cooking coconut skins
And we've been hanging out
Tell them God just dropped by to forgive our sins
And relieve us our doubt
La la la la la la la

Sunday, May 11, 2008

try not to screw this up again

I'm really starting to think that I'm not stable. It's five in the morning, Dan has just gone home after not talking to be for the past three hours and what am I doing? I'm drinking a beer. I'm crying my eyes out and my body is shaking from the cold and from sobbing.
I don't think that I am healthy. I really think I need help, so this is my admission take it or leave it. I feel like a piece of shit, I feel broken and beaten. I feel like I just want a little love in my life, because it hurts feeling to god damn lonely.
I don't want to sleep because there is no one in the house and because I feel so broken. I want god back in my life, I don't know who abandoned who but I really want serenity in my life.

Maybe I'm just not supposed to be happy. Maybe I'm not healthy enough to be in a relationship. Maybe I'm just a fucking phony. I think I need to go somewhere no one knows me, start over, and come clean. Because these secrets are ripping me apart and I can't tell anyone because they are so set in stone, so many believe them to be my life. My LIFE. But it's all a lie. And it's too late now.

All that I do, comes back to you
So I'll just think about you 'til there's nothing in my head
All I can do, is try not to screw this up again
And just be friends, I'd rather be dead.