Thursday, September 25, 2008

This secret we keep.

I was messing around with Google about a week ago and I happened to come across a reference to "Would you text your secret to a stranger?" I decided to search for that specifically and it ended up leading me to the MySpace of Frank Warren, the creator of post secret. While I was reading through his MySpace blog I was thinking about my dirty little secret-one that has been eating me up inside for years. (I'm not going to tell you what it is, because then it wouldn't really be a secret huh?) I started thinking about how freeing it would be to just tell a complete stranger.

So I told one, then two, and pretty soon I had texted about ten different people! I was absolutely intoxicated with getting this off my chest! It was great, some people sent back their own secret and others sent back words of encouragement.

But one person sent back, "wow."

Because of my own fear and stress of what people, especially my friends, would think of me if my secret got out that "wow" reaffirmed my belief that I never want to tell anyone other than a stranger my secret.

It's one thing to tell a stranger who doesn't know how big of a lie it is, but it's another to tell your family and friends because I am pretty sure it would not be something that anyone could just say "ok" to and move on. So I suppose it is going to stay my secret. Oh well.

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