Monday, November 23, 2009


I don't take compliments very well. I don't need to be told I'm a good person, friend, girlfriend, daughter etc. I think that deep down I know these things. Like I know that if my friends need me that I'll be there at three in the morning for them. I know that I respect the people in my life to the fullest I am able to. I know that I put everyone before myself.

I think I get so down on myself because I am so willing to do the right thing and be the best type of person I can be; the problem comes in when I just can't be there to do the right thing or I decide that for once I'm going to put myself and my needs before those of someone else. I always feel uncomfortable doing so, like I'm being selfish. And that mentality eats at me and I think that I'm just not doing right by the people in my life. I beat myself down so much that I start thinking I'm a shitty person.

This past month most of what I have done has been for me. In the process I have pushed people away because they have drama and they don't want to hear my solution and I just can't bring myself to listen to them bitching or even venting because they just don't want the help and advice I have to offer.

I've had a handful of low moments in the past weeks-missing my life, missing my ex, missing my friends; I've also had plenty of happy moments where I'm running or doing yoga, writing or reading where I just feel at peace because I'm doing something for myself. I've been putting myself first.

It's a struggle because it goes against my nature to put everyone else second but I think I've finally reached a healthy place.

I've always wanted to be like my Aunt Mare. She is such a strong women that has always been there for our family in times of crisis. When I was younger she was there to listen to my lame teenage woes. It's just how she is. But I am beginning to realize that Aunt Mare puts her needs, responsibilities and herself first. She always makes sure that her life is at the proper place to walk away from before she goes off and helps people.

That's not to say that in times of crisis she won't drop everything she is doing to help out but she seems to have found a balance where she is bettering herself and making her own life work while still enriching the lives of those around her.

I'm finding my balance. And even though situations and feelings like to get in the way I'm starting to be happy and satisfied with my life as it is. We all have setbacks. Plans that don't work out. People that just aren't supposed to be in our lives the way we want them to. I'm learning how to deal with all that and still keep smiling.

And just for today I am happy.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Putting yourself first is never selfish. It's something that I need to tell myself all the time, because if you don't put yourself first/love yourself more than anyone else does, how can anyone else make you a priority or love you? It's a conundrum, it's hard to accept, but it's the truth.

I hope you know that when you offer me advice or help, and I reject it, it's only because deep down I know that you are almost always right, and you're usually right about something that is hard for me to accept or hard for me to face. I'm not as strong as you, and I will always strive to be more like you. I know you don't take compliments well, but you are one of the most logical, grounding people that I've ever known. You dispense good advice and present it in a way that makes it sound possible, even when someone might feel that it is impossible.

You deserve to feel happy and satisfied with your life, so keep doing what you're doing, it's paying off.
