Sunday, November 29, 2009

I don't get my hopes up anymore. Promises of things to do, days to come, happiness, fulfillment, love-whatever it is it's just a disappointment. I'm tired of wearing my heart on my sleeve. I'm tired of being so open and loving towards the people in my life because it always comes around to just kick me in the gut when I'm down, right after I've just given a little too much of myself to take back. So no more expectations unless low. No more giving of myself so freely. I'm running out of things to give and I am just so tired.

1 comment:

elaina said...

you can still have hopes. my mom always said (and it kind of pains me because she's totally right)..hope for the best, but expect the worst. I appreciate you every day (even if you don't hear from me for a while)...I'm hopeful to have you in my life forever. even if you give up all your hopes.