Friday, December 11, 2009

Last night around 230 a bunch of us from work hung out after closing and had a couple beers and talked about this and that. The topic came up about prom and when you're from Jersey prom means the jersey shor.e. I mentioned that after my own prom I didn't go down the shore because no one had invited me to join them. I told them how I, in fact, haven't been down the shore since elementary school when I went with my family because, again, no one has ever invited me. Since my friends are jersey born and raised this was of course met with gasps of disbelief and my buddy telling my that was it and that I was going down the shore with him this coming summer.

It makes me happy now that I have some good friends at work that actually want to spend time with me. At the same time however, it makes me sad for my childhood; the child that was left out , the child who for a long time only found friend in stories and cartoons. I just wonder how things would be different. Maybe I would be open to more relationships with people today instead of being such an awkward adult.

This is a picture from the last party I was invited to. It's somewhere around the third or forth grade. I found it on facebook today and it made me awfully sad.


Through the looking glass said...

I didn't go down the shore after my prom either. I was supposed to take my date down the Sunday after prom but she backed out. I do day trips throughout the year, you should come with me sometime!

Kristen said...

you can't change the past (lord knows i would love to) but what you can change is the present and the future. you deserve good friends who want to spend time with you. my heart aches for your childhood self who found friends in stories and cartoons. i bet you were one kick ass kid, who i would have loved to have been friends with no matter how awkward, quiet, or left out you were.

ps. think about all of the kids at camp who might be having similar childhood experiences, who feel more confident and more accepted and more included because you have been in their lives. :)