Sunday, February 27, 2011

Following this recent "breakup" I find myself wondering if I'm so sure I didn't want him, what do I want.
  • Become an RN and work for a traveling nurse company
  • Live in at least ten different states
  • Find my missing piece, feel excitement and challenge. Someone willing to do anything and everything, anticipates my wants and needs
  • Become this strong, courageous, beautiful women
  • Change a life
  • Save a life
I don't really believe any of these things are unrealistic. I want someone who is on my level .

He is great. We think a lot alike saying/thinking the same things all the time and really he is just sweet as pie. But something is missing or somehow he doesn't fit quite right. But he is comfortable and I know the stability he would offer.

So what's the trade off? Should I sit around through some inner misery guided turmoil figuring I'll eventually settle because I gave up on my goals? Because let's be serious, how many faithful guys are going to be cool with their girl going to different states every eight weeks? Or should I do what I did and cut the cord so no one gets hurt worse later on down the line? Aren't I just a scum bag even attempting a relationship before completing my dreams? Failure to complete them will only result in resentment down the road coupled with a sense of dissatisfaction concerning my accomplishments in life.

I'm just uncertain with what to do, it's a catch twenty-two if you will. My sense of honesty and my endless concern for how the feelings of everyone else are don't allow me to lead people on. But my determination to realize my goals prevents me from willingly entering a relationship with a hope of longevity.

Is it worth it?

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